Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Secret Revealed! How To Monetise All Traffic That Comes To Your Site

This has been an issue that has bothered many online marketers- how to monetise every visitor that come to their sites. It may not be 100% possible but it is possible to make dollars from almost all visitors.

There are two types of visitors basically- those that have money and those that don't.

The first bunch can easily be monetised by selling products to them. Your site needs to be attractive and the copy persuasive enough to compel them to buy.

What if they do not buy? Make them join your list. From your list, you can keep offering them worthwhile products and services in future. As they say, the money is in the list.

The second group of course are those that have no money and have no intention of buying. Such groups exist. Maybe we should call them freebie seekers. Some may originate from Third World countries where $27 may be a week's wage and in some countries more than the monthly wage. That is why article writers from such countries can charge $2 per article.

In some instances, some originate from countries where credit cards are rare or may not be PayPal or ClickBank compatible, hence are incapacitated in making purchases.

You can monetise such traffic by including AdSense on your website. The clicks from such can add up.

You can also offer free ebooks downloads. Do you know some websites that offer download services pay commission to you for such downloads. The pay can range from 20cents to 80cents per download. Just imagine if you had hundreds of downloads a day.

If they are truly freebie seekers, you can be guaranteed loads of downloads.

The e-book can contain further free e-books to be downloaded and you should provide free giveaway rights to encourage its distribution to go viral.

You can also turn the free crowd into an affiliate army. Do remember to provide them the proper affiliate support tools to market your product effectively. You create a win-win situation whereby the free crowd make money and you as well. They in turn after making money may one day buy your products!

Ensure that in the course of them marketing your products, you are also discreetly building your list through your squeeze page. This is the perhaps the best long term gain from the non-buying crowd.

They say the money is in the list. If you had hundreds of the non-buying crowd marketing your product(s) that will aid you build a huge list that can earn you good income online.

So rather than whinge and whine, convert that non-buying crowd into money makers.

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